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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Wood stick with alot of whip.

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Im trying to find a woodstick with alot of whip, I really liked the Z-carbons in 95 flex but I've broke about 5 of them and I cant stand it anymore. Anyone know a good durable wood stick with a good whip to it.

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Nike Quest 3's wood sticks have some nice whip

agreed...my shot with that is much better than my shot with my 95 cyclone

You actually shoot now? Good for you man. BTW who's on ur avatar?

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Maisa One...rapper from Canada...she's really good (music). She doesn't look that great though...it's purely for the rap. As for my shot, I've always had a fairly decent shot, at least I think so anyways. Not a 100mph slapper, but my wristers and snappers are average in my opinion. I think the reason that I don't shoot when I play in a game is that I feel obliged to pass to the other players. Trying to cure it by going outside and shooting more, just working on aim and stuff like that.

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