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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Wheel Placement

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So I am getting a new pair of Mission Soldier SEs. These skates come with the Rink Rat Hot Shot XXX Grip - 76A wheels. But, because of the team that I am on, I have 4 Labeda Gripper Dynasty II Hockey Wheels- 74A (2 80mm and 2 76mm). The skates have the Vanguard hi-lo so the setup is 80-80-76-76, so to get the most speed and grip, in which place should i put each wheel?

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you can try the soft ones in the middle (second and third position), if you want even more grip without sacrificing too much speed. There is no way to have the best of both worlds.

Softer wheels = more grip and less speed

Personally, I love softer wheels because they allow me to sprint, stop and turn quickly.

It's all about you playing style, court dimensions, the surface you play on ....

If you are a speed kind of player, and you play on large court, go with the hard ones.

Anyway, I think you would't even notice the difference between these two wheels.

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Since you're on your toes and heels when stop and start and skate on all wheels in full stride, try putting the softer wheels in the front and back position. Revision has a great matrix (in which Bronze = 76a, Gold = 74a and Platinum = 72a) on their website. Happy holidays!

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So, MIA, what do you think about the Soldier SE? I'm thinking about buying them in a few days...Are the boots quite stiff?

I have a pair and love them, I have been skating in Tours for the las 2years and will not go back after using this pair of Mission...I feel quicker on the hi.lo setup then I did on the regular 80mm setup

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after skating on 76-76-76-76 for the past few years i tried 72-72-80-78 on my new skates and I felt like a slug... :(

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