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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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replacement for bauer vapor XXV stick

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broke my last bauer vapor XXV stick, have tried the X40 (what bauer says is the replacement) but it just feels different. can't find any XXV's with my curve (RH naslund) or even flex (87) at any of the clearance sites (too bad they are down to $62 each now - but all LH in stock). the regular retail sites have them but i am not paying $179 for a discontinued model.

looking for suggestions for a replacement (low kickpoint) in the same price range ($99-$119) or maybe a touch higher if the quality is good. i have tried easton synergy sc6 in the past but the sticks seemed to go dead/limp after 10 games or so (durability seemed better than the bauer though).

thinking dolomite? if so i think i'de go 2 piece to bring the cost down. i've never broken anything other than a blade so a 2 pc would seem the most economical in the long run?

how are the newer 2 pc composites? (the last 2 pc i had was an aluminum with a wooden blade back when dinosaurs roamed the planet)

will the 2 piece perform the same as the 1 pc? , will the kick point be the same? any else to watch out for?

any advice greatly appreciated.

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The 7k's would be a good option, also there are one85's to be had for 120, although they are 2 inches longer than most sticks.

Also, you may want to check out the old st's (around 130). i realize this is out of the range you said, but they are supposed to be tanks and many people love them.

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i'l check out the 7k's , but i'de hate to fall in love with it and then have a hard time finding replacements when the supply runs dry.

i realize that the budget only allows for an entry level (new model) stick OR hunt and search for a higher discounted model, it's not that i can't afford a $200+ stick, i just can't stand the sound they make when they break (sounds like me crying)

by ST i am assuming easton?

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The XXV isn't far off from a Dolomite, if you can find a (slightly) used shaft for $75 here and get a new blade for $60, you're good to go.

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