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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Tape on Pro Butt-end?

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I know this has been discussed before but i could not find it. What is that red tape many pros use for grips on their top hand/butt end? Where locally, and where online can it be found? What is it?

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It's Sportstape gauze tape, completely different than Powerflex tape. It's not available for retail.

Actually, it is available for retail sale, BUT, many dealers shy away from bringing it in. I have two cases of what they call Royal Blue for sale.

You're right, I didn't say that correctly.. They don't have any dealers that carry it, so it is unavailable to nearly everyone.

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Is the tape in that link at IW actually what they use? That looks more like coban than what im thinking of, but ive never really seen it up close.

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Yea, the red gauze came on the Red Wings shaft I won on eBay a year ago. I'd get the blue stuff gauze from you if I could do so. It is not sticky like the Powerflex stuff right? I had to get one of my gloves repalmed because of that crap.

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