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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Warrior custom glove size

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Hey, i was wondering if there was a way to determine the size of a custom warrior glove

I ordered a pair in 14" but they kinda of fit big and feel like 15" There is no label of the size of the glove anywhere.

Is there some measurement i can do to see if i actually have a 14" glove?


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Probably because MB22/Franchise isn't based on the X72 :)

They are more to the X70 patterns...

That's interesting, because I always thought that they were based on Eagles X-treme glove line. When you put them side by side they have almost the same padding structure.

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I have 14" custom Warriors as well, they definately feel bigger than my x72's.

same here, i used to have the black/carbon x72 special edition pro glo's

the retail frachiese gloves say the size undernearth the pinky tho...

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