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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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can you recommed skate boots?

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i used some boots.

now, i will make new skate.

i can't decide skate boots.

frame is Easton Big Wheel.

1. tour boots -> like rubber,, so dull...

2.mission boots -> before 2002, really good..

2003,2004 (DNA) really bad , so loose

can you recommend any boots? (with why?)

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i used some boots.

now, i will make new skate.

i can't decide skate boots.

frame is Easton Big Wheel.

1. tour boots -> like rubber,, so dull...

2.mission boots -> before 2002, really good..

2003,2004 (DNA) really bad , so loose

can you recommend any boots? (with why?)

Try looking for a Nike. Possibly an older quest 1 or something.

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I personally like Nike, but it's all personal preference. I like the Nike's because they are the most comfortable skates I've worn (The Quest series, havent tried the V-12's etc but I hear good things about them) If you're looking for boots only you might have some trouble finding what you want. You might even be better off buying a new skate and if you really want to use your old frame then you can use that.

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