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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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So how does one tell if his CCM 852 are the '02 model

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New to the board but I've seen a bit around here and the net about 2002 CCMs Tacks being below standard. I just picked up a set of 852 Super Tacks off and E-Bay and am interested in finding out if they are from 02 before I use them. I tried finding pics of 02s but couldn't and I tried a serial number search to no avail.

If it's just the holder being bad then I'll just change it--perhaps to the older TUUK. But if the boot if going to fall apart I'd like to just send them back before going through the break-in process.

Thanks much!

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So I keep hearing how bad they were yet nobody actually comes out and says what exactly was wrong with them. Did they fall apart at the seams? Did the holders break? Or did CCM just fall way off the pace with other companies during that period?

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So I keep hearing how bad they were yet nobody actually comes out and says what exactly was wrong with them. Did they fall apart at the seams? Did the holders break? Or did CCM just fall way off the pace with other companies during that period?

Yes, Yes, and Yes. Pro lites were always prone to breakage, especially if you're a bigger guy. Seems split, stitching came off, soles pulled off and plastic fell off. Everyone else was putting out better product at those prices at the time.

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I only weigh about 175. I actually still have a pair of 452 from around 2000 that have three years of use. Perhaps they were the 99 version---they have red and grey writing---so I was surprised to hear the X52 line could go down hill so badly.

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I only weigh about 175. I actually still have a pair of 452 from around 2000 that have three years of use. Perhaps they were the 99 version---they have red and grey writing---so I was surprised to hear the X52 line could go down hill so badly.

I had pre-2000 852s and 952s and sold the post 2000 models for a while. They were nothing but problems for us.

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Thanks for your help. I was thinking that they'll be a touch too long for me anyway but was going to use them for putting around with the nieces and nephew on the pond--not really for league play.

Are you still in the hockey skates sales business? I have some "peculair" foot problems and could use a bit of guidance (not hours worth--just a general direction)

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Thanks for your help. I was thinking that they'll be a touch too long for me anyway but was going to use them for putting around with the nieces and nephew on the pond--not really for league play.

Are you still in the hockey skates sales business? I have some "peculair" foot problems and could use a bit of guidance (not hours worth--just a general direction)

I don't run a shop anymore, but feel free to post your issues. If I can't help you someone else certainly will.

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