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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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equipment for beer league

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i only float on defense and backchecking!

I actually blocked a shot last week, shocked the hell out of everyone.

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i only float on defense and backchecking!

I actually blocked a shot last week, shocked the hell out of everyone.

Lol. The most severe injuries I see at B+C levels come from teammates crushing each other. I love investing in good protective equipment, but the best piece of protection you can have is skating with your HEAD UP. Guys get too into doing fancy moves, and they most always keep their heads down. They think they're hot shit until they play full check and get laid out or one of their teammates accidentally gives em a concussion because they were both starting at their feet.

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I've played a couple games without a cup, only because I got to the rink and realized that I didn't have one and the shop was closed. There was no advantage to not wearing it, in terms of mobility and I was very conscious of it at all times.

It seems worse to me because my thighs end up crushing my boys on cross overs

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Spend a little money on decent shin guards and pants that are comfortable. You'll end up on your knees and jammed against the boards so I wouldn't skimp there. Shoulder and elbow you could probably go for like a Sherwood tradition or something pretty basic.

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Lol. The most severe injuries I see at B+C levels come from teammates crushing each other. I love investing in good protective equipment, but the best piece of protection you can have is skating with your HEAD UP. Guys get too into doing fancy moves, and they most always keep their heads down. They think they're hot shit until they play full check and get laid out or one of their teammates accidentally gives em a concussion because they were both starting at their feet.

It's funny 'cause it's true. :D

I used to play no-shoulder, but I got a clearing shot in the sternum one night and bought a pair the next morning. Because I am pretty broad, I have to find XXL, which isn't easy, but after wearing some bulky TPS and RBK's that were very superfluous for my leagues, I settled on the Sherwoods 3 seasons ago and wouldn't go back. I would add that the best player in our league blew a shoulder goin into the boards a few weeks ago because...you guessed it...he had a incidental contact with a teammate. Maybe the shoulders would have saved it, maybe not, but at 35 with a full-time job and a family to support, I like to err on the side of caution.

It comes down to how you play and who you're playing against. We get a lot of sand-baggers here from the junior leagues who like to feel like Mario Lemieux by dropping in on beer leagues - I'm a front-of-the net guy who will block shots - I like having solid skates, shins and pants. V08 skates fit me wel and, my DR SG88 shins are bulky, but they'd stop a bullet, and my V06 pants are a nice blend of mobility and protection. I like my elbows protected but mobile - my V08 elbows are the most comfortable I've owned, but are probably over-kill. Apart from that, a solid lid and good gloves - I have 4-rolls I just bought that I'm not fond of, but they do a good job protecting.

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So today I have a bruised collar bone due to a high stick and a swollen knee from a slap shot from the point I couldn't get out of the way of.

So much for my minimalist gear. :lol:

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I just upgraded my pants to the CCM v08 and they offer much more protection than my previous Vapor XVI's. They are significantly heavier but on the same token provide much more protection in area's that the XVI's lacked.

I have yet to try them out but from the looks of it I think they will do a very good job.

Next on my list are shin guards =)

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I'm playing Level B Minor hockey and currently playing with an RBE VIII Face Cage. Has anyone tried out the new Bauer RBE V visor? I'm looking on trying it out to play in a no-check league. On the other hand, i'm going to my HS's prom with my best friend, and I don't feel like being stitched up. In essence, I'll be wearing the Cage from April 16- May 20th, and the RBE V all other times.

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Like someone else said now that Im older I am looking at trying to find more protective gear than when I was playing competitive hockey. Guess when you have a wife and bills you take things a bit more seriously.

Not sure if you guys saw my story about what happened NYE day, but when I took that slap shot to the chest it did not feel that great hahahaha. In fact part of my chest is still sore. And no offense to you guys who don't wear shoulder pads even in non-check if you take a slap shot to the chest dead center your risking death. Lots of kids in lacrosse have died from taking shots square to the chest and Im sure a hockey puck can do the same. I am all for more mobility out on the ice, but things can happen out there and I would say since none of us are really doing this for a living you might as well be safe than sorry.

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Like someone else said now that Im older I am looking at trying to find more protective gear than when I was playing competitive hockey. Guess when you have a wife and bills you take things a bit more seriously.

Not sure if you guys saw my story about what happened NYE day, but when I took that slap shot to the chest it did not feel that great hahahaha. In fact part of my chest is still sore. And no offense to you guys who don't wear shoulder pads even in non-check if you take a slap shot to the chest dead center your risking death. Lots of kids in lacrosse have died from taking shots square to the chest and Im sure a hockey puck can do the same. I am all for more mobility out on the ice, but things can happen out there and I would say since none of us are really doing this for a living you might as well be safe than sorry.

I agree. Last year I had the wind knocked out of me when I rammed into a D-man as I was circling the net for a stuff attempt. I had 20+ old shoulder pads. I was down for a good 5 minutes, as I was sucking air hoping I wasn't on my way out. That week I bought shoulder pads from someone on MSH and I have been very please with the protection. Only about 3 or 4 guys on my team wear shoulders and some of the guys enjoy poking fun at my protective equipment (good for locker room laughs). But, the way I look at it, I'd rather be safe than sorry. I have no interest in looking tough at the expense of my health.

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How the eff can anyone play without shouldies? One guy in C league has a 94+ mph slapper- he was clocked. Another is about 6'5, 290, a freaking monster. I guess some people like to tempt fate.

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ive been playing b+c level beer league for 10 years without shoulder pads. i have a pair of the 5030s, but they just sit in my bag...

when i started i took the cage off and went with just a helmet, but after 2 broken noses i went with a half shield.

i went back to a full cage a few years ago after seeing too many teeth fly.

id never skimp on pants, gloves, elbows, or shins though. certainly not after playing against a bunch of lumberjacks over the years.

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Having a cage on for me is a must. No matter what level I'm playing and how careful the guys are, accidents still happen whether from a high stick or a deflected puck. I use to only wear a visor and it has served me well but have reverted back to a cage after seeing some players get their chicklets knocked out.

Having a cage on does impair my vision a bit, but it just takes some time getting used to. It also make the helmet heavier which I'm not fond of but I like the extra protection. I have taken some high sticks, running into other players cages and still have all my teeth :D

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