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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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CCM Vector 120 shaft or z-bubble grip?

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Has anyone tried either of these '04 model shafts out? I've heard that the '03 easton grip sticks, the grip peels off, but I was wondering if anyone has used the '04 models of the grip shafts and if it does the same thing? If anyone has used either of these shafts, what did you think about them? Any help would be great.

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From what I understand neither of the two are good choices for grip. The CCM's grip is the stickers and they peel off easily. As for the Z-bubble, durability has always been a factor. But if it were between these two I would say Z-bubble. If you are open to other ideas the Inno's with soft grip isnt a bad choice either.

Edit: If you can get your hand on an 02 Z-Bubble grip you wont regret it.

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i found that the soft grip on my inno 1100 shaft peeled like crazy, more so than my 03' synergy grip! all along the egdes the grip deteriorated, and what was weird is that it was like the grip and paint were one in the same becuz where the grip peeled, there was no paint, as in you could see the black graphite of the shaft. the paint didnt chip at all.

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