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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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the iceman

Easton Ultra Comp Grip shaft?

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Yea I saw those in Toronto a few weeks back and was not sure what to make of them. I saw both grip in silver and blue.

Heck I did not know what they hell they were so I left them alone.

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he was looking to spend another couples of hundred dollards on sticks.

I actually did real well. I only bought two Easton Custom Pro blades. I have sold a ton of stuff and only bought a few things in the last year.

I am getting better :)

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HAHA i see, your a good boys ponty!!!

So you left buzz alone in the category: the most impressive stick collection!

he didn't left that category, he just gave a chance to Buzz to reach him. ;)

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haha funny...really..i didn't know ponty has more stick than buzz!

Well Kovy you must be pretty good...i heard you have something like 20 kovalex shaft + your free BNH stuff...

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I can have the new bauer skates that everyone for free was talking but i choose to kept my graf Fedorov. I know some of you will kill me. I don't take much of BN stuff because I'm used to my equipment and I like all my equipment. Second, I can't take the BN equipment out of the locker room without a special permission.

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okay okay Ponty you are the winners

by the way, how did it came you in mind to have a stick collection...who would whant so many stick??

IF you do, your wife most not be happy lol!:P

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well...how does it feel...i have 1 OPS and 3 tapered shaft.. i whanted to have 1 or 2 standard shaft( to pair it with my Franklin and sicore z-carb blade)

I would have liked to try a grip shaft standard but still light..

So i whanted to know how do they feel(weight.how is the grip?) how much?..and how do they look...

Just some IMPRESSION..if it worth or not..

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