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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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33 year later--greatest movie ever made

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So i was bored and just watched Slap Shot for the first time... It was hilarious, best hockey movie ive ever seen. Actually the only hockey movies i have seen are the three mighty ducks movies haha

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I had a chance to meet Yvon! What a great guy. Took almost 15 minutes out of his day to chat with me about hockey, reffing, etc. "Trade me right f***ing now"

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So i was bored and just watched Slap Shot for the first time... It was hilarious, best hockey movie ive ever seen. Actually the only hockey movies i have seen are the three mighty ducks movies haha

you need to see Miracle and Youngblood now.

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Yvon is a great guy. How many people have a story about hitting an In N Out with Denis Lemieux?

Dolan, you were a genius. I downloaded the In-N-Out app and discovered there are about four in Salt Lake City. Now, all I have to do is convince Gouche to take us there, since he'll have the car.

If I'm driving, there's no question the three of us are going....

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Yvon is a great guy. How many people have a story about hitting an In N Out with Denis Lemieux?

Perhaps only topped by also having lunch at Chili's with the Brothers, then shinny in the afternoon, before hitting the bar that evening. Unfortunately, the flight would have been fifteen hours, so Yvon couldn't didn't make this trip, but i did turn Gouche ontp In-N-Out.

By the way, go ahead and ask me why the Brothers will NEVER forget about me for the rest of their lives.

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Okay, here's the story, which we'll be able to file under the World Class of Screw Ups!

I had to fly to Salt Lake City over the weekend, and, since I've been using a Shock Doctor bag the past year-and-a-half, I figured I should change my gear into a smaller bag so I wouldn't get dinged for an oversize charge by the airline.

We had lunch with the Hanson Brothers, then returned to the rink for a game of pickup. As I was getting dressed, I had a sudden panic because my skates were gone. I couldn't believe it, but I had forgotten to put them back into the bag after I had hand sharpened them at home! That's a depressing thought, when you're 700 miles from your house without equipment to play a game with some famous players. However, the guys at the rink set me up with some rentals, but without any time to sharpen them.

As I was going on the ice, the Brothers were waiting in the walkway, so I told them about my brain fart and they gave me grief about probably being able to skate better now. Nope, it was brutal. I couldn't stop, couldn't turn, and it was actually more tiring on the legs trying to keep my balance. It was like going from a year-old Accord to a '78 Pinto. Everybody who heard the story had a good laugh, but the one thing that surprised me was I hadn't received an email from the Big D saying, "Do you realize your skates are here at the house?" So I called home and asked her to look where I might have left them, but they weren't there, leaving me to wonder, "Either TSA took my skates or I put them back into the normal bag...."

Obviously, I received the appropriate razzing throughout the evening. During the Grizzlies' game, the Hanson Brothers were taking pictures near us and I was talking to Steve Carlson's fiancee, since I had met her at lunch. When Steve walked up, he said, "Hey, dumb ass, you find your skates yet?!?!"

After everyone was breaking down on the concourse, I went downstairs to wrap up my sticks for the airplane. I had put them in a plastic bag, but had made two address labels since I knew the first one would get torn off while opening the sticks. As I was wondering where I put the label, I remembered, "Oh, yeah, I put them in the side pocket for the skat-- Oh, Jesus."

I had had them the whole time!! But my skates normally fit INSIDE my bag, whereas I had forgotten that this bag had a side pocket (facing away from me) for the skates. A lot of the guys who had skated earlier were standing there, so I was exclaiming, "Alright, we're going back on the ice right now! I'm going to prove I know how to skate!"

I took more grief throughout the evening, then happened to see Steve Carlson later at the airport. First thing out of his mouth was, "Got your skates?!?!"

He and his fiancee happened to be on the same flight, so we sat next to each other and he gave me further ribbing.

Finally, his fiancee said "Oh, you just had a blonde moment."

"No," I said. "I think I had a blonde day!"

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