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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Shin Pads big enough for knee braces

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I recently blew out my MCL and I am going to get fitted for a brace on friday, now I have to get a new pair of shinnies that I can fit over my brace. I was just wondering if you guys had any ideas as to what can work ? No, I don't mind if they're high profile or not, I have smaller legs and I think I need a bit of something to make it look like there's meat on the bones :P

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I thought there were more results than I found too.

It seems like this has come up multiple times.



Try looking through the google results.

Your best bet would be, take your brace to a shop and try on a bunch of different models to see what's best.

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I had a thread about this a few months ago, anyway...

tony - Best bet is to wait until you get your brace before doing anything. Depending on the brace itself, you may end up getting away with some minor mods to your current pads.

Shoot me a PM if you want. I'm going through the same thing right now.

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Best bet is to wait until you get your brace before doing anything.

tony1233, listen to stick9, this is the best advice you could get.

I got a custom CTI brace and I find it hard to fit under anything, but I'd say if you have to wear it while playing, Reebok or something else on the wider side would be the way to go depending on your size.

When you get your brace, that is the time to make the decision in your LHS.

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