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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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tightening my u+ skates

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after switching from bauer vapors, the u+ skates i feel have less ankle support...is it just me, is there anything i can do to tighten them harder?

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Have they been properly baked yet ?

The U-foam really molds to your heel shape and fills in volume when baked, got a pair myself U+09 and absolutely in love with them. When I tighten my skates I tighten the laces once throughout the boot, then push the tongue as close to my foot, and then re-tighten the top 5-6 again. Just out of preference to having a snug fitting tongue.

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Did you have them baked at the shop? Did you get them online or at a LHS? Perhaps they are too big for you or do not ft your foot properly

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Did you have them baked at the shop? Did you get them online or at a LHS? Perhaps they are too big for you or do not ft your foot properly

no they fit properly and i did get them baked at my LHS... maybe im just not used to so much padding on the sides where the ankle is...might have to lace them up differently

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I am having the same issue with my custom U+ reloaded. Do you happen to have skinny ankles? That is my issue. Even with the extra padding I ordered on mine, I have to crank on the laces to get the ankles tight enough to my liking...and have been wrapping the laces around the right skate to keep it tight enough. Waxed laces haven't improved anything. If you have thin ankles, the answer on these would be to get a custom boot with -1/4" in the quarters or boost the ankle padding to adjust. I wish I had more padding in mine.

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Narrow heel perhaps? The skate guy said I'd get a better heel lock w/the Graf Ultra G70s than I would with the CCMs even though they had nice depth and width for my feet.

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Narrow heel perhaps? The skate guy said I'd get a better heel lock w/the Graf Ultra G70s than I would with the CCMs even though they had nice depth and width for my feet.

The issue I have is not the heel...it is the high ankle. Heel locks in perfect. The issue is the ankle has too much slop, and cranking the laces to get the top two eyelets of the boot snug are my problem.

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I am having the same issue with my custom U+ reloaded. Do you happen to have skinny ankles? That is my issue. Even with the extra padding I ordered on mine, I have to crank on the laces to get the ankles tight enough to my liking...and have been wrapping the laces around the right skate to keep it tight enough. Waxed laces haven't improved anything. If you have thin ankles, the answer on these would be to get a custom boot with -1/4" in the quarters or boost the ankle padding to adjust. I wish I had more padding in mine.

this is most likely my problem...were can i get a custom boot because i already wore mine a few times?

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maybe strengthen your legs. If the skate is to tight at the ankle you are loosing mobility. They don't have to fit like ski boots.

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maybe strengthen your legs. If the skate is to tight at the ankle you are loosing mobility. They don't have to fit like ski boots.

how can you strengthen your ankle...i need muscle there which is almost impossible to work on.

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The issue I have is not the heel...it is the high ankle. Heel locks in perfect. The issue is the ankle has too much slop, and cranking the laces to get the top two eyelets of the boot snug are my problem.

MLSman....what about trying the gel sleeves that the figure skaters where...it would provide additional thickness where you are looking for it, without affecting your lower ankle.


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A gel sleeve won't help. It needs to be the boot...not something on my leg/ankle. I have tried bunga pads and all they do is restrict circulation. Thicker socks don't help...they only cause other parts of the foot to be way too snug. The fact is that I need extra padding in the quarters, and nothing else will help.

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