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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Shoulder Pads: Reebok 4k or NBH XXV

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For shoulder pads would you guys recommend the Reebok 4k or the Nike Bauer XXV?

I bought the CCM Vector 08 shoulder pads (along with the elbow+shin) and the thing feels like a tank! I could barely move in the equipment and the thing was so bulky I could barely fit my jersey so I'm going to return it.

I want something with a bit of protection but not something bulky that it hinders movement.


I was also looking at getting the Reebok 4K elbows+shins too if you have any input on those...

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I've got the NB XXV shoulders & I really like them - they are light & mobile & I feel very protected all the way around (the DriFit Liner is an nice bonus even if you wear an UnderArmour shirt like I do)...but they are my first pair as I didn't wear any for inline, so you might want some more experienced opinions.

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i'm a rbk fan, but your comparing a 2nd tops in a line to something thats close to price point, so of course i'll say xxv

but if its like xxv or 6k i'll say 6k

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Thanks for the input guys

Are there any other shoulder pads that you guys recommend for around that price?

Another one I was looking at is the Easton Stealth S7.... looks nice but seems bulky?

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The Easton ST-line is relatively low profile. You could take a look at those, the ST6 is probably in your budget. Try going to IceWarehouse.com, they have videos on almost all of their products, that way you can see someone try them on and see if they're big and bulky or not.

If their website doesn't have the product listed, look on their YouTube profile and see if it's listed there.

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