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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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SynergyHockey - the original big puck

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Hi all - greetings from "down under" ...

i am wondering if anyone here can help out with some advice - i have done a search on here and it came up blank - i saw a video somewhere on guys training with this "big puck" thing - i thought that it would be a great practice tool for my 10y old boy - he could use it to practice passing off ice out on our concrete driveway ... great idea so far

so i came accross this website - www.bigpuck.com and thought that it looked pretty good - so i emailed the guy (Tadd Tuomie) and received a very quick reply - and he sounded pretty honest ... so i ordered and paid for two (in his email, he advised me to pay for two - but he would only send me one this was to cover the extra shipping cost to sydney australia) ...

i then emailed him a few days later - this was about xmas - saying that i had made the paypal payment as advised ..... and i guess that you can see where this is going >>> about 4 emails later it's feb 2010 .... still absolutely NO reply - and no PUGI in the mail ......

i always like to give the "benefit of the doubt" - so wanted to ask here if anyone lives in that town and knows the owner of this business, or if this business is still going, if it has closed its doors, if he has been terribly sick and unable to come to the phone, if he is behind in his homework at uni or whatever excuse ....

or if i have just been scammed :(

i don't really want my money back - well, i do if i am not going to get my PUGI ...

but what i really want is a great big puck or two for my boy to train with off ice so that he can learn to pass better .. any help or advice (even bad news:() will be greatly appreciated - maybe a link to another place that i can buy the product from (mainly for outside off ice training) ..

or if anyone has one of these second hand that they have lying around and willing to part with it at a reasonable price :) .... feel free to email me via PM

hoping some one can help



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How did you pay for the items? You may have recourse via the CC or Pay Pal.

unfortunately not as i have discovered - paid for by paypal, they will only cover for about 40 days - but it can take 8 weeks for a surface postal parcel to arrive from usa if posted imediately that it is paid for - in this case it was about 2 weeks after the payment was made that he said it was being posted - but i because of the time that it was taking i thought that it might have been sent surface so i waited another 4 wweks, then stated emailing him again - no reply was the reply ... by the time that i realized that it was not going to arrive it was too late to get $ back ...

does anyone know of this business or who this Tadd Tuomie guy is?

does the other place mentioned in the second post do international mail order - i am in sydney australia



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