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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Hockey shops in ohio

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The hockey stop in columbus has a really good selection of stuff and very competetive prices.

I work at the store mentioned by Geki. He forgot to mention KNOWLEDGEABLE employees. Let me know if you're looking for something specific, I can let you know if we have it..if we don't I'll do my best to get it for you.

Our store #'s are (614) 326-2064. That is our Bethel Rd. location (about 10 minutes away from OSU campus).

We also have a store near the Easton Mall. The # there is (614) 473 - 1049. They are located on Corner of Morse Rd and Cherrybottom rd.

Our website is http://www.hockeystopohio.com/

I will be at the Bethel Store all day tomorrow, so if you need directions you can give me a call. My name is Brian.

oh and thanks Jeremy for the love lol.

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I work at the store mentioned by Geki. He forgot to mention KNOWLEDGEABLE employees.

Eh, they're OK I guess... ;)

NP w/ the love Brian.. we're lucky to have such a nice place here, and the staff are great guys.

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I used to work at Freedom's Choice up in Findlay. Call 419-423-6600, ask for Dave. Decent selection, and Dave knows what he's talking about.

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I used to work at Freedom's Choice up in Findlay. Call 419-423-6600, ask for Dave. Decent selection, and Dave knows what he's talking about.

I was wondering if FC was still around, I may go visit the shop again when I'm back home visiting the parents. I haven't been there since like high school... (which for me is a LONG time ago ;) )

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