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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Long Island

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Player/team: Individual Player

ice/inline: Ice

Location: Anywhere around Nassau / Suffolk County.

Level:I have no preference as to the level of play, whatever is willing to take me. Just looking to have a good time and stay in shape now that my season is over. I play D3 ACHA Club for my university at the lower end of the spectrum as far as talent goes in that league. I'm not sure what else to compare my level of skill to since I'm not from long island. I prefer a league that will make me skate though =]

Position: Center or Wing. Will gladly play defense in lower level leagues.

I'm looking either for a fill in role or a full member role on a team in a league that goes no later than May 15th or so. After that date I return home for the summer :D.

I prefer to not have to drive too far or pay an absurd amount of money, so Chelsea Piers is out of the question.

Thanks for any interest. Just looking to meet some cool people and get a good skate through the rest of this semester!

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Still looking! I investigated midnight hockey league, they seem to be at the end point of a season so no go.

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