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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Warranty Sticker

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So I broke my SE16 within the 30 day warranty, and I filed the claim with Easton. As I was getting ready to package it up, I untaped my knob and a bit of the warranty sticker peeled off with the tape (damn long knobs)...I managed to get it off of the tape and stick it back on the stick, but it is still detached from the lower half of the sticker.

Will it still be valid? Im planning on calling Easton tomorrow..I hope theyll understand. Generally they have pretty good customer service.

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I'm sure they'll be able to see that the bottom half of the sticker is unaffected. I'd guess that at this point their warranty review people have seen all kinds of attempts at getting free sticks and know when the sticker's legit.

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That sticker is supposed to be on the receipt anyway, not on the stick.

im talking about the silver sticker on the stick. if you peel it off, it says "warranty void if removed"...

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Should be okay.

If you are really worried, you could always call them and explain your plight, see if it's an issue. Probably not the first with said problem.

Just a side though, where the heck is the warranty sticker on the SE16? I don't have an SE16, but I thought all of the ones I have, it is on the back, closer to the bottom/blade of the stick. Guess I will have to relook at my Eastons.

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