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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Bauer Blade Pattern PM9 and PM91A

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the P91A is more like a lidstrom where the PM9 is like an iginla or something. p91a is a lot more open

P91A - mid-heel

PM9 - mid

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the P91A is more like a lidstrom where the PM9 is like an iginla or something.


If you don't know, you don't need to answer.

PM9 is a Modano/zetterbrg/forsberg clone

P91A is Drury clone


Is there huge difference between the Bauer Blade Pattern PM9 and PM91A?

Bauer Blade Pattern


Thanks for the help...


Yes there is a huge difference. PM9 is a lower lie, less rocker, less loft and a smaller curve

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I have a supreme one85 p91A and an easton ST zetterberg. When I first used the 91a I hated it! Couldn't keep my shot down at all! And then I bought and used to ST for a while and re-learned how to shoot(long, long break). After I was able to pick corners and call my shots with the ST I gave the supreme a try again with the P91A and fell in love with it! I can not take rolling wrist shots with it, but now that I have figured out that I have to start the wristers and snap shots about midway off the long blade they are deadly and I take my slappers well off the heel. I like them both, but feel like I can accomplish a lot with the 91A. As a few guys on here have said, including Chadd, with proper technique you can shoot low or high with any curve.

Sorry, I went off on a rant!

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got to bauer.com and read about their "stick id" and whenever you can choose a curve it shows you diagrams and benefits of each curve bauer has to offer. It will tell you basically everything you need to know.

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the P91A is more like a lidstrom where the PM9 is like an iginla or something. p91a is a lot more open

P91A - mid-heel

PM9 - mid


to the OP: this site has a pattern database. it's on the top row right under the banner. it gives you the ability to key in the attributes of the blade (then shows you your options by brand) or simply view any brand's patterns. pretty useful tool in this case.

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the P91A is more like a lidstrom where the PM9 is like an iginla or something. p91a is a lot more open

P91A - mid-heel

PM9 - mid

I honestly laughed out loud after reading that. And as you already have heard

PM9= forsberg/zetterberg


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