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TPS R6 stick

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I broke my TPS R6 one-piece from 07 or 08 (well maybe 06) and i see this years R6 isnt quite at the same price, it actually cheaper. Is it possible that this years equivalent would be the R8?


ps i can post pictures of my stick if needed

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Can't really answer the equivalence question, but I can tell you that I LOVE my R8 Lite - fantastic stick. It's a bit stiff by the time I cut it to my length, but great puck feel and really light.

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I broke my TPS R6 one-piece from 07 or 08 (well maybe 06) and i see this years R6 isnt quite at the same price, it actually cheaper. Is it possible that this years equivalent would be the R8?


ps i can post pictures of my stick if needed

R6 is still 470 grams and r8 is like 435grams.

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Its possible that it may be the equivilent. However, you must understand that current/ recent tps products are lacking in comparison to their past products. Like the new R6 gloves and such aren't made with quite as much heart as the old HG-1's for example. Because of Sher-Woods real lack of care to keep TPS as up to par as thy once were, the current TPS sticks and such will all be lacking. If you could save for a XN10 possibly, you'll get TPS's current best.

But to actually answer your question now, yes. I'm sure if you bought an R8 now, it may be equivelent to an older R6. In quality, structure, and care taken while making it.

Hope my love for TPS products and displeasure for the noticable decline in their product quality has helped you out haha.

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Its possible that it may be the equivilent. However, you must understand that current/ recent tps products are lacking in comparison to their past products. Like the new R6 gloves and such aren't made with quite as much heart as the old HG-1's for example. Because of Sher-Woods real lack of care to keep TPS as up to par as thy once were, the current TPS sticks and such will all be lacking. If you could save for a XN10 possibly, you'll get TPS's current best.

But to actually answer your question now, yes. I'm sure if you bought an R8 now, it may be equivelent to an older R6. In quality, structure, and care taken while making it.

Hope my love for TPS products and displeasure for the noticable decline in their product quality has helped you out haha.

An r8 would feel noticeably different than an r6

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Well obviously. But, the point I was making is getting an R8 from the 2009-2010 line is gonna be not as well crafted as from a few years ago bra.

I see your opinion. From what I've gathered, the only previous tps stick that was much better than the new ones would be the xn10 which is more than a few years old. I didn't think the Adrenalins were anything special, and like my 2009 r6 much better.

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Thanks for the answers guys, I bought the r8 from a few years ago (gotta love 50% discounts on older and BETTER equipment!)

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