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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Stickhandling Aids

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Use to use a smart ball all the time around the house and stick handle right before games to get warmed up before a game...always worked real well for me. Also made something like one of those hockey pads out of a sport court surface to stick handle and shoot on at home. Got my hands quick and helped with my shot when converting back to the rink...better than shooting on the driveway.

You could always put a split in a tennis ball and fill it with pennies...the weight will get your wrists so much stronger.

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Trust me, go buy some UHMW HDPE and some armor all (which you might not need) and the puck will move just as fine. Plus, assuming that is only 1.5' x 3' and 1/16th of an inch think, you're paying a fortune for it. You can go get 1/8 of an inch material for $3 a square foot and get a sheet over twice as big for a third of the cost.

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Even at 1/4" thick, it's only $4 per square foot and that's a pretty beefy piece of material. It's the bounce-back thing that's a nuisance to make, but if you're handy with 2x4s and a saw, it's no big deal.

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Even at 1/4" thick, it's only $4 per square foot and that's a pretty beefy piece of material. It's the bounce-back thing that's a nuisance to make, but if you're handy with 2x4s and a saw, it's no big deal.

Mine seriously took 30 minutes. and cost $10.

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I just threw a bungee cord on my acrylic sheet and weighed it down. Works good but bounces back a little too fast and if I pass it slower it doesn't come back enough ;)

Plus it kind of bounces all over the place, and I don't want to take a slapshot and hit the side of my sheet because the puck is too close to the edge.

IDK,,,It would be cool to simulate a pass from one point man to the other and just let one go.

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