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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Quicker Reaction Time

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any input when it comes to the Nike Sparq training ball? It's the lime green coloured one that has a design where it randomly bounces, making u accel quicker to catch it.

is this any good? or productive to one's training?


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In theory, they could be helpful for training a variety of things that are lumped in under the banner of 'reflexes' (which isn't a very helpful term, to my understanding).

In practice, it's far more useful to develop general quickness and sport-specific intelligent anticipation than to try to train 'reflexes' in isolation.

These things have long been in use with goalies, but goalies are well-documented not to necessarily possess extraordinary kinematic speed. 99% of the time, if you see a goalie making an 'impossibly fast reaction save', it was a result of intelligent anticipation that either directly caused or created the immediate conditions for making that save.

Dicking around with a doggie toy like this isn't going to hurt you, but it isn't going to help much either.

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You could go old school and get a chicken to chase around.

I was going to go Rocky style and then remembered the law about cock fighting lol....

anyways.... ya just saw the little widget for $15 and thought i might give it a try once i got some input and read some reviews

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