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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Drank NO Shotgun...

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Other than 5 hour energy, coffee, and regular protein shakes before or after games... No no other supplements really.

I mixed it properly and got a very watered down lemon flavor. It's not anything close to being as sweet as something like Gatorade but I like it that way. It makes it easier to drink. I guess the taste could be better but it's not like it's terrible. Plus taste is the last thing I'm thinking about when catching my breath on the bench.

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So you have the powder version?

You should try Purple Wraath! it's awesome.

Ill give accelerade a try if i can find the pre-mixed bottles.

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Hows the purple lemon-aide flavor?

It's not bad. The Purple Wrath, White Flood etc., mixes def are on the less tasty side of supplements but they dont make you feel like garbage afterwards.

After taking the stuff for the past few months, I think supplements like NO Shotgun and NO Explode are horrible...not being able to sleep at night versus getting an extra 1-2 reps in a set? I'll take the sleep thank you.

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Jack3d got pulled at one point after it was tested and they found amphetamines in it. I believe it was aderol. I worked at a nutrition shop and they called us and asked us to pull it off the shelf while they reformulated the product!

I remember when they first pulled the Hodroxycut with Ephedrine in it, probably around 2000 or 2001. I knew people who buying cases of that stuff to sell to others. I used it for a while back then but something just seemed wrong about it. It felt like my heart was going to jump out of my chest and I would break into sweats in the middle of winter. Now I just stay away from all of that stuff but im sure it helps.

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Hows the purple lemon-aide flavor?

Its not bad, it takes some time to get used to the taste of "controlled labs" products (white flood, purple wraath).

But i dont mind it. I think the best tasting NO product for me was Superpump250.

I generally dont take an NO product before hockey, only for weight lifting.

I would take the white flood for hockey as i sip that during the game.

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I usually drink Meltdown before working out and figured I'd try something before Hockey...NO Shotgun. This stuff is pretty potent. 30 minutes ago I felt kinda "meh" and a little sluggish but I'm bouncing around now, ready to play tonight.

Any of you take supplements before games?

A little late in posting for this, and if you will even get the post response. But NO shotgun/explode is a tricky supplement to take for hockey. As it has all branch chain amino acids needed for when you work out and are depleting the current ones your body produces. Therefore it replenishes or adds on to the existing naturally found amino acids in the system. It also comes with creatine which is used pretty exclusively for body building and basically adds water to your cell. Hence it has always been known as a cell "volumizer" which is why guys put on weight when they load with any type of creatine. It is only adding water..but it does help with strength gains. As creatine is naturally found in our body, and is the first thing burned off when we work out. You get a good amount of creatine when you eat "steak" since its stored in muscle.

If I were to take anything (which I did back in the day) it would be Met'RX amped...it is one of the more stable supplements out there that aids in playing hockey with out getting you all juiced up. Or try "Driven" its basically a huge combo of Amino Acids and a little caffeine. Hope that was any help...mostly I would say for hockey you want something that delivers good "oxygen" to your muscles to perform longer, and good nutrients so you dont end up feeling all depleted at the end of the game. That is why you see many pro's drinking gatorade and powerade on the benches now...water is good but it doesnt cut it when your sweating out all the good stuff. And you need it especially in the 3rd period of a crucial game!

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my buddy and i tried NO explode and Black Powder before we played. i skated awesome, but i just couldnt focus, or pay attention.

.....No Explode is suppose to give you "focus", i remember when i tried NO for a summer, i had too much focus, almost to the point i was having tunnel vision.

Either way, there is no need to take a NO supplement while playing, but if you guys must i suggest not taking the full suggested serving.

From my own experiences (and i took NO supps because i would work 9-5 and then play hockey that night, if i didnt take it i would be next to useless on ice):

Full servings is over kill, your heart will go crazy and you will focus like tunnel vision. Take like 1/4th of the serving, very little. Just enough to give you a bit if energy and enough to open up veins; but it wont be enough to turn you into the hulk and start wanting to bench press players. Take it 30mins prior. Then sip gatarade during the game and water.

Not to mention, if you stay hydrated throughout the day and the day before.

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.....No Explode is suppose to give you "focus", i remember when i tried NO for a summer, i had too much focus, almost to the point i was having tunnel vision.

Either way, there is no need to take a NO supplement while playing, but if you guys must i suggest not taking the full suggested serving.

From my own experiences (and i took NO supps because i would work 9-5 and then play hockey that night, if i didnt take it i would be next to useless on ice):

Full servings is over kill, your heart will go crazy and you will focus like tunnel vision. Take like 1/4th of the serving, very little. Just enough to give you a bit if energy and enough to open up veins; but it wont be enough to turn you into the hulk and start wanting to bench press players. Take it 30mins prior. Then sip gatarade during the game and water.

Not to mention, if you stay hydrated throughout the day and the day before.

Picked up NO Xplode this weekend, used it for the first time Sunday afternoon. Went to a local track and did some sprint workouts, felt great. I ended up taking about a dosage and a half because I took it early in the morning and didn't get out when I had originally planned so I added some later on. Post workout I felt off, exhausted yet wired at the same time, woke up every 2 hours that night. Trimmed it back to a half scoop Monday morning and it was great but it did it's thing ALL DAY LONG, I got home from work and was just pacing around my house with resltessness, woke up once that night. Down to a 1/4 scoop now and that seems to be the right amount, up all day but I can sleep at night. Probably won't buy this again once it's finished though.

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I was sicker than a dog one game but went and played. Before the game I took two Advil

Cold and Sinus. I was lights out. I take one a game now. Granted, sounds like you all play a much higher caliber of hockey.


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I was sicker than a dog one game but went and played. Before the game I took two Advil

Cold and Sinus. I was lights out. I take one a game now. Granted, sounds like you all play a much higher caliber of hockey.


There is always the golden standard of minor league hockey pregame supplements- two sudafeds and a cup of coffee.

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Hey guys, just a heads up on a new supplement I'm currently using, Hemorush, by nutrabolics. I play Junior A hockey, and I'm not trying to plug this product but what attracted me to Hemorush is the fact that it contains no sugars and no carbohydrates. For me this has eliminated the bloating feeling after drinking it and I haven't noticed any crashing. I've used sudafed, purple k, superpump, and black powder my favorite so far minus the taste has been Hemorush.

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You should be careful about what you say here. At one point you say look at this list of banned olympic substances and then go on to say these are legal supplements. Caffeine yes, ephedrine ehh it is a grey area.. It depends on the source of the alkaloids. But, Ephedrine is banned in every sport that I can think of. Ephedrine is a horrible supplement due to the fact that it is a vasoconstrictor which causes your blood pressure to raise significantly and your resting heart rate to go through the roof! If you want something that will truly help stick with amino acids, beta-alanine, and a good recovery drink 4:1 ratio carbs to protein. If you want to feel like a tweaker and you will since ephedrine is a key ingredient in meth have fun with it!

dude, while pseudoephedrine is a base for meth, the two are not even close in terms of effects, the amount of processing and molecular change needed to make meth is what makes it so much worse.. Is ephedra a vasoconstrictor? yes, a mild one. it is not likely to cause problems in people who used it as directed when it was in supplements, most of the ill affected people either had undiagnosed pre-existing heart problems(like congenital defects or LVH) or took a whole package and ran 10miles in a garbage bag suit in 110 degree heat.

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dude, while pseudoephedrine is a base for meth, the two are not even close in terms of effects, the amount of processing and molecular change needed to make meth is what makes it so much worse.. Is ephedra a vasoconstrictor? yes, a mild one. it is not likely to cause problems in people who used it as directed when it was in supplements, most of the ill affected people either had undiagnosed pre-existing heart problems(like congenital defects or LVH) or took a whole package and ran 10miles in a garbage bag suit in 110 degree heat.

I agree with you. My point is, too many shops that even sell it will tell you to take more than you need. On top of that, even at low doses it cranks the heart rate and blood pressure. I just do not think it is a good option unless you really know what you are taking and how to take it. As far as the molecular structure being different than meth, yes it is different. I said it was one of the main ingredient. Ephedrine is a substituted amphetamine and a structural methamphetamine analogue. It differs from methamphetamine only by the presence of a hydroxyl (OH). Amphetamines, however, are more potent and have additional biological effects. ANother problem with ephedrine and ephedra is that if taken with certain antidepressants it can cause the person to experience worse symptoms than before. Again I just do not agree with advising it on here.

As far as it being a mild vasoconstrictor that is false. It is used to counteract hypotension or extreme low blood pressure in surgery caused by anesthesia.

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There is always the golden standard of minor league hockey pregame supplements- two sudafeds and a cup of coffee.

Thats the gold standard at a lot of high levels - prep, juniors, college, minors, and the NHL. I'm sure its cut back a little bit since that big article in SI 10 or 12 years ago, but its still probably the most used combo.

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I agree with you. My point is, too many shops that even sell it will tell you to take more than you need. On top of that, even at low doses it cranks the heart rate and blood pressure. I just do not think it is a good option unless you really know what you are taking and how to take it. As far as the molecular structure being different than meth, yes it is different. I said it was one of the main ingredient. Ephedrine is a substituted amphetamine and a structural methamphetamine analogue. It differs from methamphetamine only by the presence of a hydroxyl (OH). Amphetamines, however, are more potent and have additional biological effects. ANother problem with ephedrine and ephedra is that if taken with certain antidepressants it can cause the person to experience worse symptoms than before. Again I just do not agree with advising it on here.

As far as it being a mild vasoconstrictor that is false. It is used to counteract hypotension or extreme low blood pressure in surgery caused by anesthesia.

Sure you're not confusing ephedrine with epinephrine? Ephedrine is much more common as a decongestant due to the bronchodilation and in some places for MS treatment. Epinephrine on the other hand is used for hypotension refractory to fluids and dopamine. You might be right, I've just never heard of any use for it outside of allergy meds, because the vasoconstriction isn't strong enough to counteract severe hypotension.

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Sure you're not confusing ephedrine with epinephrine? Ephedrine is much more common as a decongestant due to the bronchodilation and in some places for MS treatment. Epinephrine on the other hand is used for hypotension refractory to fluids and dopamine. You might be right, I've just never heard of any use for it outside of allergy meds, because the vasoconstriction isn't strong enough to counteract severe hypotension.

I am not confusing the two. Epinephrine is a whole different world a1 a2 b1 b2 b3 agonists! It is used in local anesthetics to constrict vessels to reduce bleeding. But you are probably right it has been a while since I have studied this stuff. : )

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I am not confusing the two. Epinephrine is a whole different world a1 a2 b1 b2 b3 agonists! It is used in local anesthetics to constrict vessels to reduce bleeding. But you are probably right it has been a while since I have studied this stuff. : )

yeah me too. i guess I only epi(1:10000 and 1:1000) in emergencies, and now I'm going to ask the docs at my local receiving about ephedra, I'm kind of a med nerd and always like talking about the stuff. Always want to know more. anyways as to not get too off topic, I did use ephedra, when it was legal and combined with diet and 6-day a week workouts lost 60 lbs over 7mos. Can't use it now due to my line of work(frowning on illegal supplements) so just sticking to protein and an even harder diet and exercise program to try to get back in shape. Supplements have their place but there is no magic pill

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yeah me too. i guess I only epi(1:10000 and 1:1000) in emergencies, and now I'm going to ask the docs at my local receiving about ephedra, I'm kind of a med nerd and always like talking about the stuff. Always want to know more. anyways as to not get too off topic, I did use ephedra, when it was legal and combined with diet and 6-day a week workouts lost 60 lbs over 7mos. Can't use it now due to my line of work(frowning on illegal supplements) so just sticking to protein and an even harder diet and exercise program to try to get back in shape. Supplements have their place but there is no magic pill

After a good conversation, we end up in agreement!

Where do you work? I am guessing FIre or Ambulance as a medic?

I work for CDF but went through medic school a couple years ago.

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After a good conversation, we end up in agreement!

Where do you work? I am guessing FIre or Ambulance as a medic?

I work for CDF but went through medic school a couple years ago.

haha. good guess, ambulance medic, hopefully fire at some point, but I am all about the paramedicine and want to work for a dept that takes EMS seriously. CDF Riverside County by any chance? If so, I may have run calls with you, I work for a small city division out there.

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