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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Stealth CNT

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I'm an idiot because I left my CNT on my car after hockey and drove away now she is gone. After buying a new dolo spyne DD to replace it I realized in my first four games that replacing the CNT would be no easy task and as you all know you can not find them anywhere.

So what I want to know is what sticks are out there that come close to the CNT in feel balance shooting kick point etc... Either current or discontinued sticks

I know all of you knowledgeable hockey people out there can help out with this(thanks Krev for your advice in my other post). Thanks

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I'm an idiot because I left my CNT on my car after hockey and drove away now she is gone. After buying a new dolo spyne DD to replace it I realized in my first four games that replacing the CNT would be no easy task and as you all know you can not find them anywhere.

So what I want to know is what sticks are out there that come close to the CNT in feel balance shooting kick point etc... Either current or discontinued sticks

I know all of you knowledgeable hockey people out there can help out with this(thanks Krev for your advice in my other post). Thanks

I dont really know a definite answer, but maybe a synergy st? I say thta because Im pretty sure that is what Mike Green uses after he lost of all his CNT's

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I dont really know a definite answer, but maybe a synergy st? I say thta because Im pretty sure that is what Mike Green uses after he lost of all his CNT's

I was at Caps practice today and talked to Mike Green about how his ST is simmilar to the CNT

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Is that because *his* ST's are just repainted CNT's? Just a thought...

no it was a ST not a repainted CNT. he was using a ST that was spraypainted blue for the first part of the season

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So you open a new thread when there is a perfectly good one at the bottom of the main page?


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