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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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My principle.......

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I never understood putting drugs in your locker.  Why not just leave them in your car, or if you don't drive, at home?

Well sometimes the only way to get it is in school. So kids will bring it store it in there locker and just sell it to another kid in the morning or when school is over.

My school has a lot of drugys. 2 kids got exspelled already for getting caught with it on the bus and at school several times. And a lot more kids have been suspended. A couple weeks ago someone just got caught with crack. My school is pretty bad, I would say 1-3 people have done it, and most still do.

We only got checked at school once at are school for drugs. It was pretty funny, 4 kids went home before homeroom, once they knew that they would be checking for drugs that day. O and to let you know, This is still JR. High.

THey tell you if their's a drug search? What's the point then?

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My computer teacher tokes it up every now and then and he's the funniest guy i know. We never do anything in computers and hes its and tells us awesome stories thew whole time. He also like to bring in dinosaurs and stab them with a pencil.

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