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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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  On 8/28/2012 at 12:08 AM, Half said:

Except for Summer League, then John just doesn't care.

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Well when you don't have a double-A league during summer then what do you expect? They just want $$$ during summer since so many teams don't play.

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  On 8/29/2012 at 7:38 PM, IniNew said:

That's what they all say.

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3 assists in 8 games for the summer can attest to it. Mostly just try to play quarterback. Part of it also is that I'm not a person that can or wants to carry a team. I tend to play at the level I'm playing against, unfortunately. I usually enjoy having a player who's above the average to compete against, it's when there are a few that it annoys me.

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In my experience mixed talent levels create a lot of "us and them" type of issues. The guys with talent get frustrated that they don't have people that can play at their level and have to do it all themselves. Meanwhile, the lower talent level folks get frustrated that the other guys don't pass and the good players on the other team make them look foolish. If you have good people, you won't have a problem with the league, no matter how it is set up.
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I'm not a terrible player, but I started playing ice hockey in 2008. A lot of people are surprised by that when I play with them, but I'm really not that good. I like playing with people around my level. I like playing against people above my level because it makes me work harder and get better. But I absolutely hate playing on the same team as people far above my level.

Even today, I can't count how many times this one guy carried the puck in and shot on a 3-on-1 or a 3-on-none. Stupid.

Play at your level. Simple.

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