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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Help identify this curve?

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Have you been able to get a hold of the TPS Pro curve chart? I'm pretty sure it'd be on it, most players had their curves on it. If not I seem to remember someone throwing a picture up of it.

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I couldnt find it anywhere, i have a pic of the actual curve, but it so hard to tell for me.

What i am basicall trying to figure out is, is it an open face or close curve...and mid or heel?

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Looks like a mid with a slightly open face to me. Almost a cross between a Sakic and Recchi. Seems to start similarly to a Sakic, but doesn't have as much curve or loft.

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are any of these pro stock sticks in a left handed whip in like a drury like pattern because then i would buy one from 1800faceoff. why wouldnt they tell you the flexes there

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in prostock because they are 50 dollars cheeper

The retail and pro-stock Tucker are similar, but the Pro-stock is a little more Druryish.

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