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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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First Kiss

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Kindergarten. I was somethin of a little playa back then , but now that i've grown up somewhat and actually have an interest in the female anatomy, i cant get a girl. Ah well, theres always hockey!! (Hell hockeys probobly cheaper too!!)

your tellin me. I open my wallet at the end of the day, and am excited when I see 3 wrinkled wet dollars and an IOU for 2.95 cents.

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Should I turn this into a gay rights thread or is anyone going to share?

No, I think Vapor's monthly NAMBLA submission is enough to give the rest of us the willies.

Which NAMBLA? Man boy love assotiation or Marlin brando look-alikes?

I love south park.

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No, I don't want anyone's rights to be mentioned in here. We're all just going to stare at Vapor just like the bad guys who stare at Ace and Gary.

Vapor: <confused> What's everybody looking at?

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