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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Getting PS3 - What 3 games should I get initially?

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I saw all my MSH peeps switching to Battlefield: Bad Company 2, so I got rid of the 360 and bought a PS3. I just picked up MW2, and Dante's Inferno... decent game, kinda bothersome.

what your username? in a adding ppl mood :P

anybody got BF: BC2 on ps3? love to play together

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..i would have bought a ps3 as well but ended up getting the S19.

can you believe they both retail at the same $$ ???? ....

it kinda hurt when i realized that.

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NHL10 is really a great game - some annoying things come up playing online, but great otherwise

Dead Space - Super game - makes me jump sometimes!

Uncharted - Best game I had every played - can't wait to get Uncharted 2

Also - I loved Heavy Rain - unique game style - excellent story - story lines change depending on the decisions you make during the game.

and of course God of War - haven't get my hands on III yet.

Also - want to try Demon's Souls - but not sure if I would like the role playing type game. Should probably rent it first to try.

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