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Can we break down a players take home amount of money?

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After seeing an article online (http://www.cbc.ca/sports/blogs/elliottefriedman/2010/04/postcard-from-russia-great-people-crazy-country.html)

with this excerpt

A couple of players told me they'd rather be in the NHL, but if it's for the minimum ($500,000), it's not worth it. Here's why: You lose 18 per cent ($90,000) for escrow. Then you have to pay taxes. By that time, you've lost almost $300,000 of your gross. In the KHL, no escrow. Russian tax rate is 13 per cent. Now, if you're a North American, you still have to make up the difference, which depends on what state or province you live in. But, when you consider that many of these players are making two or three times more in base salary, the choice is pretty easy.

a friend and I were just bullshitting about how much money would they actually take home..So I was wondering if anyone can really say what all the players typically pay for concerning do they insurce parts of their bodies like some athletes insure they're pitching arm or kicking leg? Do they get any money from things like jersey sales or commercials featured on NHL Network (not Gatorade or Reebok commercials of course). Speaking of, how much would say Sid Crosby get from Reebok and Gatorade? How much goes to union or other things?

Justin Bourne had an article that said an AHL call up can make in a few weeks in the NHL what his yearly salary would be in the AHL before he get sent back down, which is crazy.

So anyways, thats pretty much the jist of where I'm trying to go with this and was just hoping that it would be possible to find out how much money these guys really take to the bank once everyone gets their cut.

By the way, the entire article is a great read for those that havn't seen it.

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the collective bargaining agreement would give you a pretty good indication of the types of deductions players pay into across the board. income tax varies by location.

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Justin Bourne had an article that said an AHL call up can make in a few weeks in the NHL what his yearly salary would be in the AHL before he get sent back down, which is crazy.

As long as they don't play in Nashville, where they can be taxed more than they make when they get called up.

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