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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Sewing stripes on pants.... any suggestions?

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My teams uniforms closely resemble the Boston University uniforms; our shells are red with two white stripes going down the side just like theirs. Only problem is, I hate wearing shells and have been unable to find a company that will make a pair or gotten my hands on pro stock pants.

My next thought is to sew the white stripes onto red pants. But the pads make it impossible to get a needle through them. So I plan on cutting the pads out, sewing the stripes on, then sewing the pads back in.

Has anyone else done this and have any tips? Or any other ideas on what to do?


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Toronto Hockey Repair will add stripes to pants. I had them repair some seams on a pair of Kris Draper Tackla's I have and they did a nice job. Per thier information they can do stripes and about anything else you can imagine.

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Start reading.

He said he wants pants with double stripes like BU, NOT Detroit Red Wings prostocks. See example here:


Sorry for the bitchy response, but it is irritating when people make comments like "Keep looking." When it doesn't even provide the information the OP was looking for. If you're going to be snotty, you'd better actually provide a valid answer.

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Start reading.

He said he wants pants with double stripes like BU, NOT Detroit Red Wings prostocks. See example here:


Sorry for the bitchy response, but it is irritating when people make comments like "Keep looking." When it doesn't even provide the information the OP was looking for. If you're going to be snotty, you'd better actually provide a valid answer.

I COULD be a dick and say "If you want to be helpful...post a link that works" but I won't ;) j/k.


Not the same pic as yours...but it illustrates what the OP is looking for. I did see some pics of BU players wearing single stripe pants before I found this one though.

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...Except that the link does work. You have to left click it :rolleyes:

I COULD be a dick and say "If you want to be helpful...post a link that works" but I won't ;) j/k.


Not the same pic as yours...but it illustrates what the OP is looking for. I did see some pics of BU players wearing single stripe pants before I found this one though.

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Actually it didn't work, I had to right click it and hit reload image.

Have you tried this?

If the pants have some give in the material you might be able to just feed the needle through.

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