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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Long Island/Westchester/NYC

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Player/team: Individual Player

ice/inline: Inline

Location: Anywhere around Long Island, Westchester or NYC. Especially Skatesafe for I have skated there many times and it is pretty easy for me to get to.

Level: I have no real preference as to the level of play, just a league that I will have to skate hard in. Just looking to have a good time and stay in shape now that my season is over. I play college roller hockey at the University of Miami which technically is DII.

Position: Winger. Can play center and if really needed will drop back on D, but I'd rather not do that since I play wing for the "U"

Other than that, I will return from school around May 14th and so will be ready to skate that weekend (May 15th). Also, would prefer night games during the week or games on weekends.

Please let me know if you have anything available. You can either send me a PM or email me at m.sporn@umiami.edu

P.S. I have a good friend who is a goalie and has played college roller hockey. So if you need a goalie as well, we can come in a package deal.

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i'm on the island but don't have my own team/etc. you and your goalie friend should start one!

It's too late. The Spring league at SkateSafe has already started and plus I'm not even home from college yet...

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Thanks but I'm really only looking for inline. Come on, there has to be someone from like SkateSafe or World Class Gym on these boards that needs a skater!

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