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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Un-tinting Visors

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I know that might have worked on a mirrored visor because the coating is definately external, but would it work on a tinted visor? I'm not sure if they just use a tinted coating or whether it's actually a coloured plastic

Did anyone try this?

I've got a tinted Oakley visor that I want to try & untint, but if it's going to cock it up there's no point in trying

Better idea. Flip it to one of those Ovech-clones out there and buy 3 visors.

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I have converted my mirrored HS22 in clear, with sandpaper and polish paste for car body.

OMG... I thought I had heard most of the retarded things ever done to hockey equipment; until I read this post. I feel to need to ask a question or make a comment but I'm still in shock.

Not retarded at all if you know anything about auto paint finishing. Wet sanding, buffing and polishing will get you a glass-like finish on paint, so it can be possible on polycarbonate, too.

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Always wanted to learn how to do that...always amazed that people who paint cars can just about remove a scratch on anything. I had sick scratches on my stainless dishwasher, and my buddy made it look like new just with the same materials bob_flip referred to.

As far as tints are concerned, the Blue helps out considerably with bright arenas with nasty Halogen lights. It really reduces the glare...but on low lit buildings it sucks.

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