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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Retail E-Pro fit

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My team mate texted me last game saying he got pro stock Easton gloves. I called him up right away and asked him what color the liner was, he said tan. I told him sorry and broke him the bad news. Seems like Eastons marketing ploy does work, too bad too. He says he really likes them, but wants to get them repalmed to MSH2, i told him this was silly and he should just get some actual pro stock ones, but he said he likes his retails and i cant convince him otherwise, He was coming from some really crappy glove and anything is better then those.

But here is my question: Do retail e-pros have the same fit as custom (pro stock, silver liner) e-pros?

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In my experience, the retail fits much narrower.

Agreed. Much less volume overall in the retail glove. How much did he pay? If he paid the standard $80-$90 thats not bad, but it would be unfortunate if he got swindled into paying pro stock price for retail e-pro's.

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