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Vapor XX gloves without Stretch Palm ?

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I have a question regarding the Bauer Vapor XX retail gloves.

I'm from german, and just bought this gloves in the normal retail-version (imho).

After that i began to search the I-Net for reviews etc.

Now i'm wondering, that my gloves apparently didn't came with the 'Stretch-Palm', which is shown on the all the pictures on the Bauer-Website and all onlineshops i was looking at.

Do you know anything about a special european/german retail-version of the gloves, without the 'stretch-palm' ?

Here are some pictures of my gloves.

Pic 1

Pic 2

Pic 3

Pic 4

Pic 5

Pic 6

Pic 7

Pic 8

Pic 9

Pic 10

Pic 11

Pic 12

Pic 13

Thanks in advance for your answers...


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If you want the stretch palm version I'd be willing to trade you. The model you have looks great to me.

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Not sure but the glossy back of the gloves doesn't look retail to me. Not sure though as I've never seen XX gloves in person (at least not from close).

EDIT: via PM Makko and I have just found out that we live 30 miles from each other and that we even played in the same league 2 years back.

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If you want the stretch palm version I'd be willing to trade you. The model you have looks great to me.

No thanks, i'm completely satisfied with my gloves, i was just wondering about the 'Stretch-Palm-Thing' !!!

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That looks like a XX glove with the XV style palm to me but I may be worng.

That's right, that was my first thought too, just when i saw pictures of both (XX and XV) !!!

That's strange...

I see, i have to ask my Dealer about these gloves...

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Those palms look like the ones on my Vapor XV's.  Plus, don't the XX's have something on the fingertips for grip or something like that?

Exactly, at least on all the pictures i know !!!

That fingertip-thing is missing on my ones, too !

The palm on my ones is looking exactly like the palm on the XV-pictures i've seen so far !!!

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Checking in briefly from vacationland... (no connection)

They are definitely XX's with XV palms (and non standard gussets as well, the XV have black "stretch palm" material for the gussets, but these look to have nash gussets). Good find, I'd snatch those things up in about .05 seconds!! Maybe they're next/this year's version of the XX since the XXX is out before the end of the year?

Just a guess

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I just spoke to my dealer !!!

He said, that the gloves were ordinary ordered straight at Bauer.

He though mentioned, that they possibly could be 'Pro'......whatever that could mean !!!

All told, we are not wiser than before the call !

The guy i talked to was unfortunately not the owner of the shop, i usually deal with.

He's just a employe.

When the owner, a teammate of me, is coming back from his 'business trip', i will ask him personally !

In the meantime i'm going to be very happy with my new gloves....

Thanks for your replys....

Yours Marcus

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