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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Stuck on a blade

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Ok I broke another stick so that leaves me on my backup shaft which I also just broke the blade on that the game before. Im not having luck finding durable gear... I had my mac daddy (3rd mac daddy. which I love because it was the most durable stick I have ever used) and it didnt last a full season. Which is so-so for me considering I broke 3 sticks last season, and only 1 stick and 1 blade this season.

Anyways, what blade would you reccomend that has nice decent durability? The blade I was using before was a dolomite spyne blade which lasted me a season. The only curves I have really liked were the P34 from reebok and jovanoski\weight from warrior. Other curves i could not get used to\didnt care for. So does anyone have any feedback on rbk blades?

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P34 = Modano/Forsberg/Zetterberg/PM9

I'd really think about getting a One95 blade if I were you. If you had a Dolo Spyne, it probably means your shaft isn't tapered. That limits you to a 6k blade. The consensus around here seems to be that the One95 is the best traditional blade on the market.

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The consensus around here seems to be that the One95 is the best traditional blade on the market.

Agreed. A little heavier than I'd like because I got so used to Z-Carbons, but their feel and toughness makes up for it.

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