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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Lacing a Hockey Net

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I just purchased an EZ Goal with backstop and i'm at the point where i gota lace the net onto the posts. Does anyone have any tips on this? at the top corners of the net it looks like there's a thicker lace which creates a sort of seam. Is that part suppose to go at the top corner of the net of is it suppose to hang off about 6 inches down, which is what i currently seem to have to do.

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Let us know your thoughts on how the net and backstop perform & hold up. I'm curious to know if it is worth the money.

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If it is a cheap net (without its own lacing steel rod), try to keep the lacing and any knots to the outside of the pipes! The pucks will chop it up good over time.

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