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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Sharpeners- the odd, crazy, awful stuff you see

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I'm talking about the stuff you guys have to put up with, the blades that went through a meat grinder, skates the player brings in right after a game, rust rust rust, horrendous sharpening jobs, skates that smell up the room, let's hear your stories and post any pics.

I don't have any experience myself, but I'm sure that those of you on the other side of the counter have plenty of stories.

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My favorites....

*The people who bring their skates (normally recreational/low LOW end old hockey skates) wanting to get them sharpened before they go to a public skate....they are usually COVERED in rust. I actually told one guy his skates were unsavable because the rust ate through the blade, so cross-grinding wouldn't have done any good

*The guys who get back into the game after a long layoff who bring in the same kind of skates, just destroyed beyond belief...

And to top it off...

I had to re-rivet a pair of CCM V-10's, so these were not old skates, only 2-3 years old. I took out the footbed, and it looked like the Cryptkeeper's dungeon in there. The rivets actually congealed into some rusted mess. I showed it to him and said "you HAVE to take better care of your skates, otherwise they won't last another 6 months."

After that and reading all the posters here, I now take out my footbeds immediately after skating, and even if my bag could sit in my car for a month, my skates are in the house.

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