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Bravada 442

Help Searching Who Owns a Domain?

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Question for you computer guys out there...

One of my competitors in my field of business was just recently busted by another company for cybersquatting i.e. - purchasing a domain name very similar to another companies domain, and then redirecting that domain to their own site.

This is a federal offense, and I'd like to find out what other domain names this guy owns.

I was able to do a who is lookup on the name that I know the guy owns and it says that he owns another 187+ domains. I'm interested in finding which domains he has that start with the letter G (which is the first letter in the name of my company.)

Is there any way to do this for free?

Thanks in advance.

EDIT - I do have the email address that the "webmaster" uses to register all the sites, if that helps.

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google your specific question? Or go to tech boards. Where did you go for your whois?

You'll probably find better results there. I had a buddy who used to have the tools to do this. IIRC he designed his own program to search for this. I don't know of a place on the web that has this capabilities. Shame he's dead.

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I was able to do a who is lookup on the name that I know the guy owns and it says that he owns another 187+ domains. I'm interested in finding which domains he has that start with the letter G (which is the first letter in the name of my company.)

I don't know any way to do that. I always use whois to look up domain ownership, but I'm usually looking for specific names.

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