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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Skate Question

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Im skating in One95 right now and have for a year. The problem I have with them is theyre too high cut for me and I feel I am loosing agility (too rigid side to side). I really liked my U+ Reloaded (less stiff and lower cut), but the heel slop I had was annoying. Any suggestions?

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Have you tried not doing tying the laces to the top eyelet? You can get a bit more forward flex out of it.

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Thats what I currently do. I think I just need something lower cut. Going to put my old 1500c back together tomorrow at the shop and see how they are this weekend.

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sorry i dont mean to hijack this thread, but is there a thread on this forum that gives the fit profile of most skate models? cause I know on Graf's website they have a fit profile on all there skates, I.e. the Ultra G5 skate is best suited for people with a medium heel width, a straight back of the heel, and a medium instep. Is there a thread like that around, i tried doing a search but thousands of results came up and the first like 10 pages came back with nothing.

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hey kov i just recently went thru the same problem. the one95s were super stiff an the height on them caused me severe pain right at the top of my boot whenever i skated, infact it started to swell a bit, so i went from those skates to vapor x60's NIGHT AND DAY!! no more pain. whe i was wearing the supremes i had to stop lacing one down from the top, it helped a littlebitin forward flex but still did not aid in the ankle issue. so i put up another 500bucks to get another pair of skates, 3rd pair in 14months. my next pair if these did not work were the nb flexlites 4.0's.. thank god i did not have to go for the 4th pair . good luck bro, sully4200!

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