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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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What difference does flex really make?

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So i currently play with a montreal 200, and a bauer 87. If i dropped down to a Whip [TPS] what difference will it make. I dont take many slap shots, mostly wristers. Anyone who has tried this change input is apreciated. TIA

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You'll feel more zip it in, I find with lower flexes I can get more out of shots with less effort, but when I really lean into my shots they don't have as good velocity as I would like. It's almost like there's no top end and no bottom end shots everything is a good shot, but never anything fantastic. That's just my experience with them.

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With whippier sticks my shots, especially my wrist shots get better. However, my slapshots tend to suffer a little bit, and my passing and stickhandling aren't as good. Thats why I try to find something in the middle.

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With more whippier sticks my shots get worst.One time in practise I broke my stick and I had to use someones 50 flex stick and it flexed as much on a pass as on a slapshot with my other stick.It could also be because it was a little small for me and the curve.

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I generally use TPS sticks so this is what I found using similar sticks and different flexes. Using an R flex I get a bit more zip on my shots but the accuracy goes down a bit. With the S flex, I get far more accuracy and don't lose too much zip. My shots tend to stay a little lower with the S flex as well.

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