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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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my skates

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Ok ive had my skates for two months now. They are Quest Pro Stocks with Tuuk lightspeed holders. BOTH blades are tipping over like this //. I fell down twice for no reason today in practice. Should this be happening after only 2 months of use? Because this is really starting to piss me off.

Should I replace them or ditch them for T-Blades? Do I just replace the runners or the holder too? Any ideas for a quick temporary fix?

Any input would be helpful.



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Depends if the holder or the actual blade is making them not aligned. I'm not a big fan of the Lightspeed holders though. So if I were you and I had the money, I would change them to the Tuuk Custom or in your case, T-Blades.

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the blades actually tip to the outside for example on my right skate if you look at it from the heel like your checking your edges the blade looks like this //

the same with the other skate but it tips out the other way.

JR how could I tell if I need lifts? im 6 foot 3 190 pounds. I skate with my knees bent and my waist slightly bent. any ideas on how I could change my skating style to fix this?

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You might be supinating.

Stand up in your skates and have someone take pictures from behind, at skate level. You might be standing like \ /

Check your shoes - in the heel, where does it wear out?

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any idea on how I could get this done? my LHS doesnt do this sort of thing and i dont know of any pro shop anywhere near me that can do this? I live near Greensboro, NC do you know of anyone arround me who does this?

would t blades fix this problem?

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any idea on how I could get this done? my LHS doesnt do this sort of thing and i dont know of any pro shop anywhere near me that can do this? I live near Greensboro, NC do you know of anyone arround me who does this?

would t blades fix this problem?

I believe http://www.fixitbymail.com would be able to fix them.

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What they will do is put little pieces inside of the holder which will raise your inside edges so when you stand you aere straight up and down l l rather than \ /. Check with your LHS they may be able to do it.

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I don't think T'blades would fix this problem, they may if the holder is the real issue and not your stance. I appologize I forgot you talked to your LHS already, you may want to call around and ask a few places (on-line) if they are able to do it. Call fix it by mail, explain your problem etc. an LHS would be best, but sometimes this stuff happens and you have to go elsewhere.

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I don't think Northern Sports can do this. They are a repair shop.

I could make the wedges, but the problem is, I would have to see how much I need to add for his problem.

That is why I am saying you cannot do it sight-unseen.

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is there a formula or trial and error? I know there must be an actual formula, but whether it is implied or the numbers are attainable are a differen't story.

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t blades might fix it because the runners just snap on. theres really no way for the runner to tip over because the runners on t blades are attached so close to the holder.

JR Im not gonna be in Florida untill next summer =( The local pro team in my area folded this year. The old equipment managers son plays on my team. Maybe i can ask him. The guy is a dick tho and may think im crazy. what exactly should I ask for?

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