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Bauer 4500 helmet help with half visor

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hey guys, I need help with a Bauer 4500 helmet

I just bought a Bauer 4500 helmet and I tried my Oakley half visor on it.

even with the spacers Oakley provide, it just doesn't fit. the helmet seems too small for that visor.

I also tried a Bauer HS23 half visor...same thing. helmet seems too small.

to you 4500 helmet owners, what half visors do you use with it? I don't want to use a face cage, just a half visor


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I have used the 4500 and 4000 with the Oakley Straight Cut Small and although it was a challenge, I worked out alright and the optics were not affected by the visor being bent a little.

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I have used the 4500 and 4000 with the Oakley Straight Cut Small and although it was a challenge, I worked out alright and the optics were not affected by the visor being bent a little.

how did you make it work? did you use spacers?

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Have you tried using the small white washer-like spacers? Stack a couple of those together and you should be good.

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Have you tried using the small white washer-like spacers? Stack a couple of those together and you should be good.

You can always pick up longer screws too.

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Have you tried using the small white washer-like spacers? Stack a couple of those together and you should be good.

found some white washer spacers and it worked out perfectly.

thanks for the heads up :)

the bigger angled transparent spacers aren't made for the 4500 helmet

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