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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Wanted: Full time goalie position in GTA

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Hello gentlemen

I am looking for a full time goal tending position this coming season.

I haven't played goal competitively in about a year, as i took this year off and played out.

I like to be in a competitive league, I am playing D division right now as a player, and i think i could play D or C as a goalie. I do play better when i get lots of shots. I have been playing goal since i was 12 or something like that.

I really do miss playing competitively! I like playing out, but i enjoy that more non competitively.

I am located in Oakville and am pretty dedicated to travel 20 minutes anyway, Burlington, Toronto, Mississauga!

If anyone has a position available, be it you play out on a team, or that you are retiring or injured i would love to offer my assistance!

I posted this on GSBB but i think this may be more successful!

BTW I am 19

Thanks a lot, you can PM me!


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