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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Importing into the US?

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Hello there,

I recently finally sold my skates to some guy on eBay. He lives in the US while I live in Canada, and I warned him about possible import duties/taxes and all that great stuff, which apparently he didn't know about because he's now kind of freaking out on me and telling me I should have added those fees into the shipping price (:huh:).

Anyways, are there any import taxes when you import a package into the US? Even if the product was made in Canada? Do you guys have the $60 rule where something worth $60 or less is exempt from taxes? Apparently this guy doesn't know the rules, and google isn't being my friend today.

So for all of you members located in the US, if you could share some of the general importing rules that would be great so I could give this guy an estimate of what he would have to pay. The skates are valued at $250 if it helps or matters.


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anything produced by north american workers anywhere within north america is exempt from duties and tariffs through the north american free trade agreement, aka NAFTA. if he's getting bugged by the courier for duties, one of you will need to prove to the courier that the item should be exempt. what did you write on the customs dec for "description of goods"?

chances are, the customs clerk isnt a hockey player, and wouldn't know the difference between a skate made in canada and a skate made in china, the only info they have is what you print on that form. if you said "hockey skates" they will type that into the db along with the declared value, and bill duties accordingly. try to be as descriptive as possible on those things. the more info you provide, the better.

once i bought a couple one95 replacement blades off ebay and got hit with a ~$70 duty because the person who sent it put in a fairly oversized box and declared them as "hockey blades". the customs clerk interpreted that as "skates".

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You can always just gift the item and avoid any monetary expenses. You're not suppose to, but it happens.

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You can always just gift the item and avoid any monetary expenses. You're not suppose to, but it happens.

not worth it.

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