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Bauer Supreme One35 or 55 Gloves?

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So I'm debating between these two gloves and the only thing I can tell that makes the one55 "better" is the thermo max anti bacterial liner, the small vent in the glove to keep it cooler, and some textured leather on the outside. Otherwise, it's more or less the same glove as the one35.

I play roller hockey outdoors and with the summer months coming up here in Los Angeles, the vent might be a good idea but does it really work well during a game?

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I guess it just depends on the level of protection your looking for. The one55 also has the dual density foams in the higher impact areas of the glove as opposed to the all single foams used in the one35. I have the one75's and love them. I can only speak as a thermo max user and the inside of the glove is definitely comfy and seems to wick away moisture quite nicely.

And I'm not sure if it matters to you, but I'm pretty sure the one55 is offered in more colorways too.

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I guess it just depends on the level of protection your looking for. The one55 also has the dual density foams in the higher impact areas of the glove as opposed to the all single foams used in the one35. I have the one75's and love them. I can only speak as a thermo max user and the inside of the glove is definitely comfy and seems to wick away moisture quite nicely.

And I'm not sure if it matters to you, but I'm pretty sure the one55 is offered in more colorways too.

Protection is always a good thing but it's kind of in the back of my mind because it's a beginners league but there are a few slashes here and there. I'm more interested in the weight and ventilation properties which sounds like it's worth the money for the better technology.

Sadly they don't make it in a black/blue combo or at least I can't find one.

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This is only my 2 cents from the roller specific gear I bought in the early to mid 90's that had all kinds of vents and perforations. Remember the Koho Street Revolution and Lousiville (Messier) Meldtdown series? Anyhow, as a kid I couldn't care less about ventilation so I never paid attention to it and it was never effective enough to make me go "wow, that's really breezy and comfortable."

And let's put physics to use. I know a lot of people think vent holes in the tongue and outsole will make a difference. But have you ever seen a punctured bag of melted ice? How long does it take a bag of nothing but water to drain through a tiny puncture hole? A long fricking time.

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I dont recommend the One35, the thing is just so flimsy, only good for street hockey imo. As a beginner roller player you will still see slashes, depending on your opponents and you will fall, so the foams will help in those regards

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sorry, that i´m using this thread, but i don´t want to open a new one, because my question goes in quiete the same direction.

can anybody tell me what the difference between the one75 and the one95 is? is is worth speending the extra cash?

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sorry, that i´m using this thread, but i don´t want to open a new one, because my question goes in quiete the same direction.

can anybody tell me what the difference between the one75 and the one95 is? is is worth speending the extra cash?

From what I can tell it has better foams, more durable nash palms, and the thermomax liner is just a little bit better. I'm actually leaning towards the one75 now because it's the best of both the 55 and 95.

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sorry, that i´m using this thread, but i don´t want to open a new one, because my question goes in quiete the same direction.

can anybody tell me what the difference between the one75 and the one95 is? is is worth speending the extra cash?

This guy on the HF boards said the 55 comes very close to the one75, just not as protective and has a less durable palm. If you got the extra 30 bucks then I guess it's worth it.

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