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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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New skates or New Chassis/Wheels

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I'm gonna be playing inline next season. I'm looking to get an upgrade for the start. I'm debating whether I should buy new skates or a new chassis. My skates right now are Nike Bauer Enforcer(Crap I know). But if I buy skates, It'd have to be around the same price (150 or lower). I also have a pair of Bauer Vapor XVI's lying around. Should I just buy a chassis and wheels to attach on those? I dunno which would be better/cheaper. If I go for the Chassis I'm considering Labeda's then either Labeda or Rink Rat wheels. Suggestions? If it's for the chassis, is there a certain wheel arrangement you might suggest? Thanks in advance.

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If the Vapor boot is in decent shape you may be able to get into a better skate by doing the conversion. However there are some really good skate deals you can find based on size availability. Conversions are fun but really the cost of wheels, bearings and a frame could easily exceed the $150 you are talking about. I know it is not anybodies favorite frame but you could try to make it through the next season by mounting the frame from your enforcers on the Vapor boot and then save the money till next season for a real upgrade.

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I'm starting to save for next season. I figure I'll just get Bauer Rx:20's or something among the lines. Then I require inline pants and a padded shirt.

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if you are not all about the latest and greatest, used skates might be the way to go, for my money, I'd rather have a lightly used high end skate vs a new crap one.

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