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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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I snapped the toe of one of my True-1s, so I am looking for some kind of blade-replacement option. I was actually wondering if I could cut the stick low enough, then spend the following three hours of my life filing the foam and stuff out of the shaft, to accept a Jr. tapered blade (namely, a Jr. wood R2).

I know this sounds fairly stupid, so maybe I should explain WHY I would want to do this before questions reguarding my motives begin rolling in: I figure the Jr. R2 blade would be a little bit lighter than the Sr. It's not so much the weight of the stick I am worried about as much as the balance, which I feel is probably the best feature of the True-1. I figure the weight saved at the blade-end of the stick will help to keep the balance-point close to where it is on my other two, "healthy" sticks.

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If the blade throws it off and you're not using a butt end, what you can try to do is take a butt end, put it in the shaft and cut the butt end flush so that there's a wood plug in the end of the shaft, but nothing extending the stick's length.

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Makes sense. Since I am not currently using an end-plug at all, I think that might be what I end up doing. I'm glad I kept all my old end-plugs that I have accumulated over the years.

Since I still have two more True-1s, this really isn't an issue that has to be dealt with immediately. I am thinking that I might just buy myself a Jr. R2 blade and see if I can't get it to fit somehow. If not: I still have room to fit a Sr. blade in there. I'm in no rush (unless one of the others snaps :angry: ). I'll let you guys know once I try it out, which might be a week or so.

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