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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Are all Eagle PPF Hyrbrids pre-Vaughn?

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I have two pairs of PPF's currently (100% tufftek, one 2009 model and one 2010 - both post-Vaughn) and the Hybrids kinda interest me.

I prefer the tighter fit of my 09 and 10 and based on what I have read, the 08 and earlier pre-Vaughn buyout are going to have a looser fit.

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It really will be hit or miss. I don't recall seeing anyone(online retailers, maybe The Hockey Shop had them but I do not recall) carrying Hybrid PPFs before the buyout, it was in the catalogue pre-Vaughn. Obviously, they would have made some so it is possible they'll be pre-Vaughn but less likely... you'll never know if you don't try so it doesn't hurt to call.

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I believe I own pre-Vaughn hybrid PPF+'s. Well, I think they're pre-Vaughn as they have the Canadian flag on the outside.


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Quick question about the post-vaughn, pre-vaughn PPFs. You know the PPF deal that hockeymonkey had earlier this month? Were those pre or post vaughn? I just got mine the other day (so excited about them btw :)) and they have the canadian flag on the outside.

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