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Reebok 8K Shoulder Pads - will they suit me?

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Hi guys, I'm new here!

I'm a beginner and upgrading from (very worn) second hand gear. I just bought new Reebok 8K senior shoulder pads and I'm a little concerned that there isn't much protection for the ribs on the back. (though spine protection is good) Like I said, I'm a beginner so I probably take a few more falls on the ice and into the boards than most, and I definately fall on my back at times.

I play in a non-checking league, but do get checked two or three times a game (which I don't mind, it adds to the excitement of the game!) which tends to go u-noticed by the ref!

OK, so I'm wondering if I should swap these (unused) pads for something simpler but with a bit more back and rib protection? The shop where I bought them only have CCM V10 or Graf shoulder pads in stock in my size.


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Its all personal preference. I personally don't like to have a lot of pad around me, I value flexibility over protection. If you don't like the lack of protection or feel that its a problem for you then you should switch. Confidence is a big part of the game, and if you don't feel your pads fit you, then that's going to take away from your confidence. Best advice I can give is to get something that fits and offers the protection that you want. There are so many options out there, and I know the two you mentioned tend to be bigger pads, that you shouldn't have to compromise either fit or protection.

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I wouldn't be too concerned about the Reebok 8K's. They provide the protection where you need it the most. In a non contact league or even with a bit of contact they should do you just fine. Reebok makes some of the best protective on the market and have done a lot of research to provide players with the best and some of the lightest shoulder pads possible. I wear 8K's in a contact league and have not had any serious injuries to me in many years wearing Reebok shoulder pads. There are shoulder pads with more padding but you may end up sacrificing lightness to get what you are looking for.

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Thanks for the feedback on the 8K's!

Sounds like they'll do the job fine!

If I still feel I'm lacking confidence because of the lack of rib protection then I'll get my mum (mom) to help me to modify them with a bit more foam! But sounds like it may not be necessary.

Cheers all!

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Just noticing your concern about back area for ribs... I just got Reebok's newest model of 6k shoulder pads and unlike the 8k they have hard plastic in the lower portion on back that wraps around the ribs. I saw review videos that mentioned that the 8k is soft in that area and 6k is hard. 6ks are extremely nice, light, mobile, and a bit cheaper. take a look at some if u get a chance.

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